Painting Porsche Article and...
Festival Eye-LightAnother throw-back to a front page steal on The London Free Press a few years back for the Masterpiece London Festival.
Winter WatcherThrowback Thursday to landing the front page of the Waterloo Region Record with my mural "One Girl."
Track to the FutureAn influx of public art in St.Thomas lights up the town like shot of adrenaline. This short documentary shows how the town is pushing for...
Laneway Lightup lights up Press
London Free Press covers Masterpiece London
On Introversion and ExposureOn Introversion and Exposure A friend told me that to truly market myself, I must be authentic and vulnerable. He said -Write a blog! But...
On Being ShamelessI recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by blogger and art fanatic, @CultureFancier. She digs in where it counts. The result? A...
Art Battle Press - Toronto LifeMeaghan Claire Kehoe PHOTOGRAPHY BY SCOTT LENNON On Art...
Art Battle Press - 24 hours Toronto